Norwich City Football Club Step Up

September 25th 2022 was a red letter day for us. We would like to reiterate, we must say a sincere Thank You to everyone involved it was a huge effort. Following a telephone call from NCFC Club Secretary Andy Blofield we were offered Carrow Road as the venue for our football match. After consulting with our stakeholders it was agreed to take NCFC up on their offer. We can never thank EVERYONE at Norwich City Football Club for all their help and support. They were absolutely magnificent and we are eternally grateful for everything they did. It was very high risk for us financially, but with the support of Barclays, Cozens Electrical. Bluespace Ltd, Kevin Foley/Macdonalds, E&P Instaluations, Norwich City Football Club and a host of other supporters that came on board we were able to put together a great day with a players visit to NCFC training ground, the game, an after party and a gala dinner. Personally, I was very fortunate to have been playing in goal for Norwich City reserves in 1985 when we won the milk cup and was fortunate to be on the open top bus when we brought the Milk Cup home. Captain Dave Watson was on international duty that day, so was not on the bus. My dream was for Ken Brown and Dave Watson to bring the milk cup home together…We did it…and are very proud.