We are pleased to announce that as of March 2024 we are now officially partnered with Great Yarmouth Town CIC (GYTCIC), the community are of Great Yarmouth FC.
Check out the GYTCIC Facebook page of more.
TAKE A CHANCE ON ME is a social enterprise which works to find employers the right candidates for interviews for employment and volunteering positions. Our service is free of charge.
Our social aim is to help inspire the furthest from employment or looking to change positions into taking that step by providing a range of initiatives. We work with businesses that are looking for employees and volunteers to help reduce their recruitment costs by providing suitable candidates for interviews.
Is to be the go-to organisation for employers looking to recruit employees and volunteers who are struggling to find or change employment for what ever reason.
We will only ever put forward candidates who we feel are suitable for relevant positions. We want to work with businesses to help them source great quality candidates for interviews and help them to help people change their lives for the better.
Our service is Free of Charge.
If you are an employer, please get in touch
Established in 2017 and formerly named Mandalay Wellbeing CIC we have vast experience working with people going through challenging times (History) We set up a Food Bank during Covid, distributing over 52,000 food parcels to those in need of support. It became clear to us that there are many good people who are just ‘stuck in a rut’ and genuinely want to work but just don’t get the opportunity of attending relevant interviews. We want to help them achieve their goals.
Many of our volunteers are former employers and understand the employers challenge and frustration of receiving 20,30,40 + CVs for positions from people they probably have no idea about. We will do our best to ensure any candidate we put forward is suitable for interview.
We have open and honest conversations with employers and employees to minimise the risk for both parties.. and it works!
AVIVA Community Fund
We are delighted to be part of The Aviva Community Fund during June and July.

Any donations are greatly appreciated.