
I contacted Take A Chance On Me to see if I could receive a food parcel as I was struggling and had been turned down elsewhere for support.

On collecting the food parcel I was able to talk about what I was going through and how difficult things were, which really helped.

I was given the opportunity to do some volunteering, which I really enjoyed, after about a month and with some employment guidance from Take A Chance On Me I have now been able to secure paid employment which fits around my needs.

I feel in a much better place, looking forward to the future and am very grateful for the selfless help and understanding given by Take A Chance On Me.


I don’t even know where to start, there’s me about to give up on job search after months, years of searching lost all my hope and confidence, after sending out 50+ cvs and not even getting as far as not even an interview! Having a child being a single parent can be quite challenging and life changing experience, but I wouldn’t change it for the world my dream job was always to be a beautician and that will always stay like that apart from that will be my hobby for now. Being on job hunt for over a year and hearing nothing back is a little confidence knocking, having a big gap on CV isn’t good either nor being not flexible with the hours and child care. Speaking to different people going to different places meeting new people, and that one day I get introduced to this legend Trevor Saunders. Got to meet him and speak to him he got to know me and my personality he knew straight away where I’d fit in, he makes that one call that changed my life for better. He made the call said he’ll get back to me, few hours later that day I get the call saying I’ve I got the interview tomorrow, I didn’t know whether to believe it or not so I laughed.. I was that nervous and happy at same time for that interview I couldn’t get my words out properly!! I was over the moon out of exitment skipping to the interview the following day. They said they loved me and I’ve done really well they will get back to me with results by Monday, so I’m waiting to hear back from them 2 days gone and weekend still on the way I get the call that Friday night not expecting it at all, saying CONGRATULATIONS YOUVE GOT THE JOB!! OMG I nearly cried I screamed I was so happy and proud of myself for achieving what I was working so hard towards, big Thankyou to Trevor for believing in me, and helping me achieve this job that absolutely love now! Never give up hope the hard work and effort you put in, will always pay off in the end!! 


As well as this he has held a successful job club every Saturday where he has had great success in getting local people employment with a twist, as donations from a local company have meant he can provide interview suits to people applying for jobs. If you get the job, you get to keep the suit!
